West Village Fire Escape Painting
AFTER - primed and 2 finish coats
NYC Fire Escape Welding Repair
AFTER - welding repair, primed and painted.
Welded, repaired, and primed.
BEFORE - rusted, detached, unsafe
NYC Fire Escape Repair and Renovation
Staying safe means lots of things to lots of people in lots of scenarios. There is much agreement, however, on the fear factor scale that fire is both unwelcome and scary everywhere. Staying safe from fire in New York City can mean your fire escape is strong, well-painted and completely free from clutter. The New York City Department of Housing and Preservation & Development inspects fire escapes and can issue citations to building owners if deemed unsafe.
We were called to West Village not long ago to repair, strengthen and paint one of these iconic life lines to the street. It was nestled between multi-story, masonry buildings. We found it detached at top, rusted and unsafe for foot traffic. This job called for superior cleaning, prep, welding, priming and painting. The welding repair assures that the stairs are firmly attached for safe egress in the event that evacuation outside of the building is necessary. Primer protects the metal, and paint provides a clean, safe stairway. Remember: The only thing ever left on a NYC fire escape is a footprint.