Brooklyn Commercial Bike Room Painter
NYC Commercial Epoxy Painting
Everywhere people go, they are mentally and emotionally impacted by their surroundings, and this includes car parking garages and bike parking spaces. It may be subliminal, of which the dictionary definition is: [of a stimulus or mental process] below the threshold of sensation or consciousness; perceived by or affecting someone's mind without their being aware of it.” Contracting for and maintaining clean, modern, attractive spaces for residents to park their vehicles are priorities of one property management company in the Williamsburg vicinity of Brooklyn.
After cleaning, priming and painting the 4-wheel vehicle garage in contemporary black and white with wide, angled, white stripes, we went to work on the new 2-wheel parking room. The project started with cleaning everything with denatured alcohol, then priming with an oil-based primer for exceptional bonding. Industrial paint coats were professionally sprayed. Decorative lines matching the other garage were drawn and expertly painted. The crowning touch, which sounds like the ceiling, really was the floor, which our experienced team finished with epoxy floor paint with a super durable product. So much of our work is contingent on understanding the processes, the products and the professional application for a clean, long-lasting, attractive space, in this case for energetic pedal-pushers to rest their bicycles and themselves.