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Posts tagged Painting stair trim
White Plains Home Painter
AFTER painting

AFTER painting

Stairwell Painter Westchester

Painting natural wood stairs is a transformative process. Our client was looking to brighten up the trim in this White Plains home, and we were happy to be chosen for the project.

White Plains Interior Painter

Before painting the stair risers, we covered and protected every natural wood step. We cleaned, sanded, primed, sanded and primed again before applying 2 finish coats of Benjamin Moore’s Aura interior paint on the stair risers. The new white paint creates a stunning contrast.

Painting over woodwork

While the coats of primer were drying on the stair risers, we turned our attention to the stair trim - priming and sanding the stair spindles and the stringers (the baseboard looking piece running alongside the stairs). After two coats of primer, another two coats of Benjamin Moore Aura interior paint were added.

Why two coats of primer?

We like to use two coats of primer on natural wood to help cover the wood grain. Multiple primer coats enhance the finish paint bond so it properly adheres to a surface that was previously unpainted.

BEFORE painting

BEFORE painting